7-Year Client Analysis of Average Healthcare Costs Per Employee


This Client Study analyzed the “Average Healthcare Cost per Employee” for a 15,000-life group, encompassing 175 locations. Ramp Health began delivering onsite coaching to this client in Year 4. The Client compared the average “Market” Healthcare Cost per Employee (obtained from the United Benefit Advisors Survey for comparably sized middle market groups) to the average “Actual” Healthcare Cost per Employee (provided by the insurance carrier using actual total claims costs each year).


Number of employees included in study


Employee coaching engagement averaged 84% and there were over 50,000 coaching interactions with employees each year at all of the locations. Four years after the implementation of our onsite coaching services (Year 7), the average “Market” Healthcare Cost per Employee was 25% higher than the average “Actual” Healthcare Cost per Employee. In the aggregate, by Year 7, Total “Actual” Healthcare Costs were $33MM lower than “Market” Healthcare Costs. The average “Actual” year-over-year healthcare cost increase was 8.5% per year compared to 13.1% for the “Market” group.



Lower group healthcare costs