Onsite Coaching Reduces Workers’ Comp Costs and Days Lost 


This Client Study is an analysis our industrial client performed on their workers’ comp experience over a five year period. This industrial client has a 20,000 employees life company. Ramp Health delivered onsite coaching for ≈10,000 of the client’s employees at 100 facilities in over 20 states. The analysis compared Workers’ Comp data at coached locations “before” (Pre-Coach) and “after” (Post-Coach) coaches began onsite services. The study analyzed; (1) “Average Cost per Claim”, (2) “Average Cost Per Employee” and (3) “Lost Time Days (LTD) and Restricted Dusty Days (RDD) Per Claim”. 


Number of employees included in study


Employee coaching engagement averaged 89% and there were over 50,000 coaching interactions with employees each year for the locations with a coach. During the five year period subsequent to the implementation of our onsite coaching services, the average: (1) workers’ comp cost per claim decreased by 36%, (2) workers’ comp cost per employee decreased by 36%, and (3) LTD & RDD per claim decreased by 32%. 


Lower workers’ comp costs per EE