Providing access to quality healthcare has become a priority for many workplaces and we can help! Our mission is to provide comprehensive healthcare everywhere.
The Health Value of Flu Shots
Influenza is a serious respiratory virus that can lead to significant illness and even hospitalization. Older adults, people with underlying health conditions, and people in certain minority groups have a disproportionate risk of experiencing severe effects from the flu. The CDC found that flu-related health tends to be higher for people who are Black, Asian, or Latino. Those same groups have a higher rate of hospitalization from the flu, which results in lost days of work, high direct medical costs, and the potential for lingering effects on their health.
The flu is preventable. The CDC recommends that Americans over the age of six months get an annual flu shot. However, only about 50% of eligible people get vaccinated against the flu each year. Flu vaccination rates are even lower among Black, Asian, and Latino adults. The CDC finds that unvaccinated individuals cite a lack of access to flu shots as one reason behind low immunization rates.
Workplace Flu Clinics Improve Vaccine Access
Employers can directly address vaccination disparities by offering on-site flu shot clinics at no cost to employees. Workplace flu shot clinics ensure that all employees have equal access to vaccines. In addition, providing vaccines to workers who may be at high risk for complications from the flu protects them from potentially serious health effects during flu season.
Ramp Health offers turnkey options for hosting a workplace flu shot clinic. These comprehensive events demonstrate a tangible commitment to health equity in the workplace, as well as a good-faith effort to protect employee health.
We manage all the logistics of the clinic itself, including set up and tear down. We have experience working with private-sector employers and government agencies. Many health plans will cover vaccine costs associated with workplace flu shot clinics.
To learn more about scheduling a workplace flu shot clinic to improve employees’ well-being and address DEI goals, contact us using our easy web form.