Office vending machines are often chock full of sugary and unhealthy snacks, and many employees don’t have enough time after work to prepare a proper meal — resulting in inadequate nutrition. Compared to other components of employee health, nutrition is regularly overlooked. In fact, nutrition problems can have nearly three times the negative impact on an individual’s health than low levels of exercise would. As a result, promoting nutrition in the workplace is an important investment for the success of the business and, more importantly, the well-being of the staff who work there. Here’s an overview of why good nutrition is so essential to a healthy company.
Corporate Nutrition Greatly Benefits Employee Health
According to a study conducted by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, around 75% of corporate healthcare expenses are used on chronic diseases that are related to one’s diet. Furthermore, eating unhealthy foods increases an individual’s chances of developing high cholesterol and other health problems, and nearly half of heart disease and diabetes deaths have connections to poor dietary decisions. From this information alone, it’s abundantly clear that poor nutrition — and, by extension, a poor diet — can lead to an increase in employee sickness.
When an employee is sick and can’t come to work, there’s one less person present in the office. Because one person’s absence can create a loss in the company’s productivity and overall profits, nutrition in the workplace is essential for ensuring a successful company. Additionally, eating a healthy diet does more for employee health than maintaining healthy body weight. Nutrition also plays a role in the body’s immune system by helping individuals recover from infections and prevent them in the first place.
Promoting Nutrition in the Workplace Improves Efficiency
Nutrition in the workplace isn’t just important for promoting physical health, but mental wellness too. Employees who only eat a third of their daily calories can experience numerous adverse effects on both their mental and physical health — the World Health Organization even states that insufficient nourishment can lower a worker’s efficiency by 20%. Therefore, employers who want their team to always be working at 100% should devote time and resources to ensure the nutrition of their employees is properly taken care of.
Eating nutritious foods fills the body with essential vitamins and minerals that the brain needs to function, which increases an individual’s concentration and cognitive skills. Furthermore, healthy eating makes it easier to sleep soundly, so workers will walk into the office more refreshed and ready to start the day. Other benefits of promoting nutrition in the workplace include heightened energy and alertness, meaning that healthy employees will work more productively than if they were tired and unfocused.
What Employers Can Do to Promote Corporate Nutrition
There are many steps employers can take to encourage and promote corporate nutrition in their workplace. Removing unhealthy vending machine options and introducing more nutritious snacks is one way to change what their employees eat — another is by providing informational guides and learning resources so staff can learn how to prepare healthy meals while at home.
One effective way to improve employee health is by signing up for a corporate nutrition program. At Ramp Health, we offer professional corporate health coaching programs to promote the wellness of your workplace and a variety of other services, including mental health and well-being support. Call us today for more information on how we can help improve the health of your workplace.