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Partner with Ramp Health for Enhanced Client Experiences

Capabilities Overview

Health and Safety

Onsite Clinics Brochure

Wellbeing Services Brochure

Weight Management Brochure

Engaging Content Brochure

Manufacturing Brochure

Coaching and AI Brochure


Case Studies

Coaching Frequency Case Study

Impact Coaching Frequency Has On Healthcare Costs Per Employee Overview  This Client Study was designed to determine if the frequency of onsite...

Healthcare Costs Per Employee Case Study

7-Year Client Analysis of Average Healthcare Costs Per Employee Overview  This Client Study analyzed the “Average Healthcare Cost per Employee” for...

Group Healthcare Costs Case Study

13-Year Client Analysis of Aggregate Group Healthcare Costs Overview  This Client Study tracked “Actual vs. Projected” group healthcare costs for a...

Year-Over-Year Client HRA Case Study

Impact Onsite Coaching Had On Year-Over-Year Client HRA Results  Overview  This Client Study summarizes the results of our client’s year-over-year...

Impact on MSK Case Study

Onsite Coaching Reduces Workers’ Comp Costs and Days Lost  Overview  This Client Study is an analysis our industrial client performed on their...

Immunization Case Study

Client Overview A leading national university in Philadelphia, PA that is home to over 28,000 students and 5,000 faculty and staff and 12 schools...

Cost Avoidance Case Study

9-year Analysis of Employee Engagement and Risk Management Journey in Controlling Claims Costs - Construction Industry This case study examines a...


Gene McGuire

Managing Partner

Choice Partners awarded Ramp Health a national contract for comprehensive wellness/clinical/risk mitigation. Contract number CP24/021SG-02